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      Benefits of purchasing a new vehicle during the last month of the year

      Roger Dsouza

      Roger Dsouza

      Purchasing a new car or a bike can be the best decision, if done at the right time. Laymen might find it quite awkward that the time of buying a car has an impact on the price. However, the time of buying is crucial as far as the price is concerned. According to experts, the best time to buy a car is at the year-end. However, not always this factor works, but it is most probable that the cars will be priced cheaper during the last month of the year.

      The main reason why cars and bikes are priced lesser than the usual during the year-end is because of the company goals. Most automobile and two-wheeler manufacturing companies set well-defined goals at the beginning of the year. If the sales throughout the year do not meet the targets, the company might give out interesting discounts at the year-end. However, not always is this true. Sometimes, if the car manufacturers and two-wheeler makers are due course to their annual target, there are chances that such manufacturers will keep the price at normal during the last month.

      On one hand, some buyers can afford to wait till the last month of the year for a smart purchase. While on the other hand, some customers are not patient enough to wait till the last minute. This is a matter of chance as not always, this will hold true for all manufacturers. However, this is a nice option for smart shoppers as the best rates are available during the last month.